When does the challenge start?
The challenge starts on the 1st November and then runs until 1st March. You can register for the event from now until 1st February. If you enjoy the format of the challenge and the event then please let your friends know that they can still join.
Do I have to swim in skins to complete the challenges?
While we commend anybody who is able to swim the challenge in skins (without a wetsuit), this challenge is about the distance you are able to cover. We would prefer you swim safe and if you are more comfortable in a wetsuit then please wear it.
I only go for very short dips in the lake, is this challenge for me?
We know from experience when you go for a dip in the lake, a mere 5 minutes slowly trudging round in circles to keep yourself from screaming blue murder about the temperature can tally up 50 sometimes 100 meters on our watches. So maybe Bitter-mere may be a suitable challenge for you.
What temperatures will the water be during the challenges?
We’re no limnologists, and predicting the temperature of the water at this time of year is tricky as it can be dependent on the weather. Between November and March the water may typically be as warm as 8 or 12 deg C but it could drop to 1 or 2 deg C or less. Swim safe
You’ve mentioned the average distance needed per week, do I have to swim that distance every week?
No, we know that some weeks are a lot colder than others! If you want to swim more while the water is still above 10 degrees this will bring your average down which means you will not need to swim as much later on in the challenge
What size are the badges?
Our sewable badges are 3″ in diameter, perfect to add to your collections
Can I enter more than one challenge?
Yes, there’s no stopping you from entering more than one challenge, in fact after you have registered with one challenge you will be able to see a page on our website called You Winter Challenge 2024-25 from this page you will be able to enter more challenges for a discounted rate of £6.95.
If I enter more than one challenge, do I have to swim more or can I enter the same swims into different challenges?
This is entirely up to you. Technically speaking, if you have chosen Winter-mere as your challenge you will complete each of the other challenge distances in the process. But, if you want to make it even more of a challenge for yourself then you can swim each one individually. We’re not here to judge, we’re here to help motivate swimmers and dippers to keep going through winter.
When you buy more challenges you will be asked on the form if you wish to open another challenge page or if you want the badge as you’ve already covered the distance
How do I submit a swim?
Once you have registered for your chosen challenge, you will be able to log in to Adventurous Swimmer. From here, underneath Your Winter Challengedrop down menu you will see a new page with the challenge name and your user name. (e.g. Ulls-winter 2024-25 – Bmurphy10) click on here and you will be able to submit as well as see how far you have swam already.
If you’re still unsure please click here to for our guide on submitting a swim.
I can’t see my page on the menu after I’ve registered. Is something wrong?
Please wait 48 hours after registering to see your page. If you still cannot see it on the menu then please contact us
I don’t use Strava, can I still participate in the challenge?
Although we ask if you can upload a screenshot of your activity from Strava, Garmin, Apple Fitness or the likes we don’t want to discourage people from entering the challenge and swimming through winter so please contact us so we can alter your submission form when setting up your page.